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Category Report
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Category Report

Film and Theatre
Sorted by Course

SJSU RTVF 010American River CollegeTAFILM 300 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 010Cabrillo CollegeENGL 49A The Language of Film: Film History
SJSU RTVF 010College of San MateoFILM 100 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 010Crafton Hills CollegeENGL 170 The Film Experience
SJSU RTVF 010DeAnza CollegeF/TV 1 Introduction to Cinematic Arts
F/TV 1H Introduction to Cinematic Arts - HONORS
SJSU RTVF 010Evergreen Valley CollegeTHEAT 040 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 010Foothill CollegeMDIA 1 Introduction to Film Studies
SJSU RTVF 010Fresno City College*FILM 1 Introduction to Film Studies
SJSU RTVF 010Mount San Antonio CollegeR-TV 14 Media Aesthetics
SJSU RTVF 010Rio Hondo CollegeART 115 Art of Film
SJSU RTVF 010Sacramento City CollegeTAFILM 300 Introduction to Film
ENGLT 400 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 010San Francisco State UniversityCINE 200 Introduction to Cinema Studies
SJSU RTVF 010San Jose City CollegeTheat 040 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 010Santa Rosa Junior CollegeMEDIA 10 Film Appreciation
SJSU RTVF 010Sierra CollegeENGL 37 American Film Masterpieces
ENGL 38 International Film Masterpieces
SJSU RTVF 020American River CollegeMUSM 342 Recording Studio Techniques I
MUSM 344 Recording Studio Techniques II
SJSU RTVF 020Butte CollegeRTVF 30 Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020Chabot CollegeMCOM 40 Introduction to Broadcasting
MCOM 50 Radio Studio Techniques
SJSU RTVF 020Chaffey CollegeBRDCAST 55 Beginning Audio Production
BRDCAST 67 Beginning Radio Production
SJSU RTVF 020City College of San FranciscoBCST 120 Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020College of San MateoDGME 118 Digital Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020Cosumnes River CollegeRTVF 312 Beginning Radio Production
RTVF 319 Digital Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020CSU, SacramentoComs 20A Audio Production
FILM 20B Audio Production Laboratory
FILM 20A Audio Production
Coms 20B Audio Production Lab
SJSU RTVF 020Cypress CollegeMUS 124C Recording Studio I
SJSU RTVF 020DeAnza CollegeF/TV 30 Location Recording and Sound Design
SJSU RTVF 020Fullerton CollegeCRTV 122F Audio Production Techniques
SJSU RTVF 020Gavilan CollegeMCTV 6 Introduction to Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020Grossmont CollegeMCOM 116 Introduction to Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020Laney CollegeMEDIA 111 Basic Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegeDIGLMD 103 Fundamentals of Digital Audio
SJSU RTVF 020Moorpark CollegeFTMA M140 Beginning Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020Ohlone CollegeBRDC 123A Radio Operations I
SJSU RTVF 020Orange Coast CollegeFILM A193 Sound Design for Film & Television
SJSU RTVF 020Palomar CollegeDBA 130 Radio Production
DBA 230 Digital Audio Avid Pro Tools
SJSU RTVF 020Pasadena City CollegeTVR 002A Beginning Audio Production
TVR 014A Beginning Radio Production
SJSU RTVF 020Sacramento City CollegeMUSM 342 Recording Studio Techniques I
MUSM 344 Recording Studio Techniques II
MUSM 350 Recording Studio Techniques III
SJSU RTVF 020San Bernardino Valley CollegeFTVM 111 Studio Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020San Diego City CollegeFJMP 112 Introduction to Audio Production
SJSU RTVF 020Santa Barbara City CollegeFP 181 Production Sound for Film and Television
SJSU RTVF 030Antelope Valley CollegeFTV 244 Production and Post-Production of the Short Film
SJSU RTVF 030Cerritos CollegeFILM 101 Motion Picture Production
SJSU RTVF 030Chabot CollegeMCOM 60 Beginning TV Studio Production
SJSU RTVF 030Chaffey CollegeCINEMA 30 Beginning Motion Picture Production
BRDCAST 60 Beginning Single Camera Production
BRDCAST 62 Beginning TV Studio Production
SJSU RTVF 030City College of San FranciscoBCST 141 Field Video Production
SJSU RTVF 030College of San MateoDGME 113 Digital Video Production
SJSU RTVF 030College of the DesertFILM 2A Film Production I: Basic Film Production
SJSU RTVF 030Cosumnes River CollegeRTVF 330 Beginning Single Camera Production
RTVF 331 Beginning Television Studio Production
SJSU RTVF 030Cuesta CollegeFTVE 225B Single Camera TV Production and Editing
SJSU RTVF 030Cypress CollegeMAD 109C Digital Video Production I/MAC
MAD 188C Beginning Single Camera Production
MAD 194C Beginning Motion Picture Production
SJSU RTVF 030DeAnza CollegeF/TV 20 Beginning Video Production
F/TV 22 Beginning 16mm Motion Picture Production
SJSU RTVF 030Diablo Valley CollegeFTVE 120 Introduction to TV Studio Production
SJSU RTVF 030Foothill CollegeMDIA 20 Fundamentals of Media Production
SJSU RTVF 030Fullerton CollegeCRTV 157F Digital Production/Non-Linear Editing for Video/Film
SJSU RTVF 030Gavilan CollegeMCTV 17A Television and Video Workshop
MCTV 18 Single Camera Production
HUM 25 Motion Picture Production
SJSU RTVF 030Glendale Community CollegeFTVM 132 Introduction to Film Production
SJSU RTVF 030Laney CollegeMEDIA 104 Beginning Digital Video Production
SJSU RTVF 030Los Angeles Valley CollegeBRDCSTG 047 Single Camera Production
SJSU RTVF 030Mission CollegeGDS 074 Digital Video Production 1
SJSU RTVF 030Moorpark CollegeFTMA M130 Beginning Single Camera Production
SJSU RTVF 030Mount San Antonio CollegeR-TV 19A Beginning Video Production
SJSU RTVF 030Ohlone CollegeBRDC 141 TV News, Entertainment, and Sports
SJSU RTVF 030Oxnard CollegeFTVE R130 Beginning Single Camera Production
FTVE R150 Beginning Motion Picture Production
SJSU RTVF 030Palomar CollegeDBA 220 TV Production and Directing
SJSU RTVF 030Pasadena City CollegeTVR 016A Producing & Directing I
TVR 004 Beginning Single Camera Production
SJSU RTVF 030San Bernardino Valley CollegeFTVM 130 Film and TV Production Basics
SJSU RTVF 030San Francisco State UniversityCINE 202 Introduction to Filmmaking
SJSU RTVF 030Santa Ana CollegeDM 115A Single-Camera Production & Editing
SJSU RTVF 030Santa Barbara City CollegeFP 160 Television Studio Production
FP 175 Film and Video Production I
SJSU RTVF 030Santa Rosa Junior CollegeMEDIA 20 Introduction to Digital Filmmaking
SJSU RTVF 031Mount San Antonio CollegeR-TV 14 Media Aesthetics
SJSU RTVF 031Pasadena City CollegeCINE 025 Understanding Movies
SJSU RTVF 031San Diego City CollegeFJMP 100 Introduction to Cinema
SJSU RTVF 080Cerritos CollegeJAMS 151 Motion Picture, Radio and Television
SJSU RTVF 080Chabot CollegeMCOM 40 Introduction to Broadcasting
SJSU RTVF 080Chaffey CollegeBRDCAST 3 Introduction to Electronic Media
SJSU RTVF 080City College of San FranciscoBCST 100 Intro to Broadcast Electronic Media Arts
SJSU RTVF 080College of San MateoDGME 100 Media in Society
SJSU RTVF 080Cosumnes River CollegeRTVF 300 Mass Media and Society
JOUR 310 Mass Media and Society
SJSU RTVF 080Cuesta CollegeFTVE 221 Intro to Electronic Media
SJSU RTVF 080Cypress CollegeJOUR 118C Messages for Electronic Media
SJSU RTVF 080DeAnza CollegeF/TV 10 Introduction to Electronic Media
F/TV 10H Introduction to Electronic Media - HONORS
SJSU RTVF 080Diablo Valley CollegeFTVE 240 Survey of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
SJSU RTVF 080East Los Angeles CollegeBRDCSTG 001 Fundamentals of Television and Radio Broadcasting
SJSU RTVF 080Gavilan CollegeJOUR 10 Mass Media and Society
SOC 10 Mass Media and Society
SJSU RTVF 080Grossmont College*MCOM 110 Mass Media and Society
SJSU RTVF 080Laney CollegeJOURN 62 Survey of Mass Media
COMM 19 Survey of Mass Media
SJSU RTVF 080Las Positas CollegeJAMS 2 Introduction to Media
SJSU RTVF 080Long Beach City CollegeTV 1 Intro to TV & Emerging Media
SJSU RTVF 080Mount San Antonio CollegeR-TV 1 Introduction to Electronic Media
SJSU RTVF 080Oxnard CollegeFTVE R100 Introduction to Electronic Media
SJSU RTVF 080Palomar CollegeDBA 100 Introduction to Radio and TV
SJSU RTVF 080Sacramento City CollegeCOMM 351 Mass Media and Society
ENGWR 384 Mass Media and Society
JOUR 310 Mass Media and Society
SJSU RTVF 080Saddleback CollegeCTVR 100 Introduction to Cinema, Television and Radio
SJSU RTVF 080San Bernardino Valley CollegeFTVM 101 Introduction to Electronic Media
SJSU RTVF 080San Francisco State UniversityBECA 200 Introduction to Electronic Communications
SJSU RTVF 080Santa Ana CollegeDM 100 Introduction to Electronic Media: TV, Radio, Film and the Internet
SJSU RTVF 080Santa Barbara City CollegeComm 171 Mass Media and Society
SJSU RTVF 080Santa Monica CollegeMEDIA 11 Introduction to Broadcasting
SJSU RTVF 080Shasta CollegeJOUR 21 Introduction to Mass Communications
SJSU RTVF 080Sierra CollegeCOMM 70 Mass Communication: Media and Society
SJSU RTVF 082American River CollegeTAFILM 302 History of Film
SJSU RTVF 082Butte CollegeRTVF 15 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 082Citrus Community CollegeART 200 History of Motion Pictures: 1895 - 1945
ART 201 History of Motion Pictures 1945 - Present
SJSU RTVF 082City College of San FranciscoCINE 20A International Film History (1880s-1930s)
SJSU RTVF 082College of San MateoFILM 120 Film History I
FILM 121 Film History II
SJSU RTVF 082College of the CanyonsCINEMA 122 History of Cinema
SJSU RTVF 082Cosumnes River CollegeFMS 305 Film History I (1895-1949)
RTVF 305 Film History I (1895-1949)
SJSU RTVF 082DeAnza CollegeF/TV 2A History of Cinema (1895-1950)
F/TV 2AH History of Cinema (1895-1950) - HONORS
SJSU RTVF 082Diablo Valley College*FTVE 280 American Cinema 1900-1950
FTVE 281 World Cinema 1900-1960
SJSU RTVF 082Evergreen Valley CollegeTHEAT 040 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 082Foothill CollegeMDIA 2A History of Film 1895-1945
SJSU RTVF 082Fresno City College*FILM 1 Introduction to Film Studies
SJSU RTVF 082Gavilan CollegeHUM 3 Introduction to the Cinematic Arts, Film and Television
SJSU RTVF 082Hartnell CollegeTAC 50 Introduction to Film: History up to the 1960's
SJSU RTVF 082Long Beach City CollegeFilm 1 Introduction to Film Studies
SJSU RTVF 082Mendocino CollegeTHE 201 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 082Mission CollegeHum 015 Introduction to Film Analysis
Eng 015 Introduction to Film Analysis
SJSU RTVF 082Modesto Junior CollegeEngl 161 Film Appreciation
SJSU RTVF 082Mount San Antonio CollegeR-TV 24 American Film History
R-TV 25 World Cinema
SJSU RTVF 082Ohlone CollegeTD 107 History of Film
Hist 107 History of Film
SJSU RTVF 082Orange Coast CollegeFilm A100 History and Appreciation of the Cinema
SJSU RTVF 082Pasadena City CollegeCINE 007A Early Film History
CINE 007B Contemporary Film History
SJSU RTVF 082Sacramento City CollegeTAFILM 302 History of Film
SJSU RTVF 082Saddleback CollegeCTVR 3 The History and Appreciation of American Cinema
SJSU RTVF 082San Bernardino Valley CollegeFTVM 102 Introduction to Film and Media Aesthetics
SJSU RTVF 082San Francisco State UniversityCINE 211 Film History I
CINE 212 Film History II
SJSU RTVF 082San Jose City CollegeTheat 040 Introduction to Film
SJSU RTVF 082Santa Rosa Junior CollegeMEDIA 14 Early Film History
SJSU RTVF 082Ventura CollegeTHA V29A History of Motion Pictures I
SJSU RTVF 082West Hills College - CoalingaPA 003 Film Appreciation
SJSU RTVF 082West Hills College - LemoorePA 003 Film Appreciation
SJSU RTVF 082West Valley CollegeThea 015 Introduction to Film Studies
SJSU TA 005Allan Hancock Community CollegeDRMA 104 Acting 1
SJSU TA 005American River CollegeTA 350 Theory and Techniques of Acting 1
SJSU TA 005Antelope Valley CollegeTHA 110 Fundamentals of Acting
SJSU TA 005Bakersfield CollegeTHEA B1 Introduction to Acting
THEA B2A Elements of Acting
SJSU TA 005Butte CollegeDRAM 8 Principles of Acting I
SJSU TA 005Cabrillo CollegeTA 7 Introduction to Acting
TA 10A Basic Acting Techniques
SJSU TA 005Canada CollegeDRAM 200 Acting I: Acting for the Stage and the Camera
SJSU TA 005Cerritos CollegeTH 110 Fundamentals of Acting
SJSU TA 005Chabot CollegeTHTR 1 Introduction to Acting
THTR 2A Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 005Chaffey CollegeTHEATRE 10 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005Citrus Community CollegeTHEA 201 Stage Acting I - Beginning
SJSU TA 005City College of San FranciscoTHA 150A Beginning Acting Fundamentals
SJSU TA 005College of MarinDRAM 130 Theory and Practice in Acting I
SJSU TA 005College of the CanyonsTHEATR 140 Acting Fundamentals
SJSU TA 005College of the DesertTA 2 Acting I
SJSU TA 005College of the RedwoodsDRAMA 30A Acting I
SJSU TA 005College of the SiskiyousTHEA 1100 Principles of Acting
SJSU TA 005Columbia CollegeDRAMA 42 Acting Fundamentals
SJSU TA 005Contra Costa CollegeDRAMA 122 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Cosumnes River CollegeTA 340 Beginning Acting
TA 350 Theory and Techniques of Acting I
SJSU TA 005Crafton Hills CollegeTHART 120 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005CSU, BakersfieldThtr 1008 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Cuesta CollegeDRA 200 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Cypress CollegeTHEA 120C Acting I
SJSU TA 005DeAnza College*THEA 20A Theory & Technique of Acting (Introduction)
THEA 20B Theory & Technique of Acting (Modern Period)
SJSU TA 005Diablo Valley CollegeDRAMA 122 Basic Principles of Acting
SJSU TA 005East Los Angeles CollegeTHEATER 260 Acting Fundamentals
THEATER 270 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005El Camino CollegeTHEA 114 Fundamentals of Acting
SJSU TA 005Folsom Lake CollegeTA 340 Beginning Acting
TA 350 Theory and Techniques of Acting I
SJSU TA 005Foothill CollegeTHTR 20A Acting I
SJSU TA 005Fresno City CollegeTA 41 Beginning Acting
TA 42 Beginning Acting for Theatre Majors
SJSU TA 005Fullerton CollegeTHEA 180F Beginning Principles of Acting
SJSU TA 005Gavilan CollegeTHEA 12A Acting I
SJSU TA 005Glendale Community CollegeTART 100 Introduction to Acting
TART 103 Acting Fundamentals I
SJSU TA 005Golden West CollegeTHEA G106 Acting 1
SJSU TA 005Grossmont CollegeTHTR 130 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Hartnell CollegeTAC 10 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Imperial Valley CollegeTHEA 120 Fundamentals of Acting
SJSU TA 005Irvine Valley CollegeTA 1 Acting
TA 2 Beginning Scene Study
SJSU TA 005Lake Tahoe Community CollegeThe 105A Introduction to Acting
SJSU TA 005Laney CollegeTHART 21 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Las Positas CollegeTHEA 1A Theory/Practice of Acting I
SJSU TA 005Long Beach City CollegeTart 1 Acting 1 - Introduction to Acting
SJSU TA 005Los Angeles City CollegeTHEATER 200 Introduction to Acting
THEATER 270 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005Los Angeles Mission CollegeTHEATER 200 Introduction to Acting
SJSU TA 005Los Angeles Pierce CollegeTHEATER 270 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005Los Angeles Southwest CollegeTHEATER 270 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005Los Angeles Valley CollegeTHEATER 270 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005Los Medanos CollegeDRAMA 020 Principles of Acting I
SJSU TA 005Mendocino CollegeTHE 220A Acting Performance I
SJSU TA 005Merced CollegeTHTR 10 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Miracosta CollegeDRAM 130 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Modesto Junior CollegeTHETR 160 Fundamentals of Acting
SJSU TA 005Monterey Peninsula CollegeTHEA 15A Acting I
SJSU TA 005Moorpark CollegeTHA M02A Acting I
SJSU TA 005Moreno Valley CollegeTHE 32 Acting Fundamentals - Theater Games and Exercises
SJSU TA 005Mount San Antonio CollegeTHTR 11 Principles of Acting I
SJSU TA 005Mount San Jacinto CollegeTHA 110 Fundamentals of Acting
SJSU TA 005Napa Valley CollegeTHEA 110 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Norco CollegeTHE 32 Acting Fundamentals - Theater Games and Exercises
SJSU TA 005Ohlone CollegeTD 110 Introduction to Acting
SJSU TA 005Orange Coast CollegeTHEA A106 Acting Fundamentals
SJSU TA 005Oxnard CollegeTHTR R151 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Palo Verde CollegeTHA 151 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Palomar CollegeTA 115 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Pasadena City CollegeTHRT 002A Acting I
SJSU TA 005Rio Hondo CollegeTHTR 110 Principles of Acting I
SJSU TA 005Riverside City CollegeTHE 32 Acting Fundamentals - Thater Games and Exercises
SJSU TA 005Sacramento City CollegeTA 342 Introduction to Acting
SJSU TA 005Saddleback CollegeTA 1 Fundamentals of Acting
SJSU TA 005San Bernardino Valley CollegeThart 120 Acting Fundamentals I
SJSU TA 005San Diego City CollegeDRAM 132 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005San Diego Mesa CollegeDRAM 132 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005San Joaquin Delta CollegeDRAMA 31 Acting I: Introduction to Acting
SJSU TA 005San Jose City CollegeTheat 002 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005Santa Ana CollegeTHEA 110 Acting Fundamentals
SJSU TA 005Santa Barbara City CollegeTA 111 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005Santa Monica CollegeTHART 41 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Santa Rosa Junior CollegeThar 10A Introduction to Acting
SJSU TA 005Shasta CollegeThtr 12 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Sierra CollegeTHEA 10A Acting I
SJSU TA 005Skyline CollegeDRAM 200 Theory of Acting I
SJSU TA 005Solano Community CollegeTHEA 001 Acting 1
SJSU TA 005Southwestern CollegeTA 110 Acting I
SJSU TA 005Ventura CollegeTHA V02A Acting I
SJSU TA 005Victor Valley CollegeTA 106 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005West Los Angeles CollegeTHEATER 270 Beginning Acting
SJSU TA 005West Valley CollegeTHEA 040A Acting One
THEA 040B Acting Two
SJSU TA 010Allan Hancock Community CollegeDRMA 103 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010American River CollegeTA 300 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Antelope Valley CollegeTHA 101 Introduction to Theatre
THA 101H Introduction to Theatre Honors
SJSU TA 010Bakersfield CollegeTHEA B20 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Butte CollegeDRAM 2 Theatre Arts Appreciation
SJSU TA 010Cabrillo CollegeTA 8 World Theatre History
TA 9 Appreciation of Theatre Arts
SJSU TA 010Canada CollegeDRAM 140 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Cerritos CollegeTH 101 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Chabot CollegeTHTR 10 Introduction to Theater Arts
SJSU TA 010Chaffey CollegeTHEATRE 1 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Citrus Community CollegeTHEA 101 Introduction to Theatre Arts
SJSU TA 010City College of San FranciscoTHA 30 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010College of MarinDRAM 110 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010College of the CanyonsTHEATR 110 Understanding Theatre
THEATR 110H Understanding Theatre Honors
SJSU TA 010College of the DesertTA 1 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010College of the RedwoodsDRAMA 24 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010College of the SequoiasDRAM 001 Intro to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010College of the SiskiyousTHEA 2000 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Columbia CollegeDRAMA 10 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Contra Costa CollegeDRAMA 101 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Cosumnes River CollegeTA 300 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Crafton Hills CollegeTHART 100 Introduction to Theatre
THART 100H Introduction to Theatre - Honors
SJSU TA 010CSU, BakersfieldThtr 1109 Introduction to The Study of Theatre
SJSU TA 010CSU, FullertonThtr 100 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010CSU, SacramentoThea 1 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010CSU, San BernardinoTA 260 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Cuesta CollegeDRA 207 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Cuyamaca CollegeTHTR 110 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Cypress CollegeTHEA 100C Intoduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010DeAnza CollegeTHEA 1 Appreciation of Theatre
SJSU TA 010Diablo Valley CollegeDRAMA 139 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010East Los Angeles CollegeTHEATER 100 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010El Camino CollegeTHEA 103 Theatre Appreciation
SJSU TA 010Evergreen Valley CollegeTHEAT 020 Introduction to Theatre Arts
SJSU TA 010Foothill CollegeTHTR 1 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Fresno City CollegeTA 30 Theatre Appreciation
SJSU TA 010Fullerton CollegeTHEA 104F Introduction to Theatre Appreciation
THEA 100F Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Gavilan CollegeTHEA 1 Theater History I
THEA 7 Theatre Appreciation
SJSU TA 010Glendale Community CollegeTART 101 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Golden West CollegeTHEA G100 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010Grossmont CollegeTHTR 110 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Hartnell CollegeTAC 1 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Imperial Valley CollegeTHEA 100 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Irvine Valley CollegeTA 20 Theatre Appreciation: Classical Overview
TA 22 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Lake Tahoe Community CollegeThe 101 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Laney CollegeTHART 2 Introduction to the Theatre Arts
SJSU TA 010Las Positas CollegeTHEA 10 Introduction to Dramatic Arts
SJSU TA 010Long Beach City CollegeTart 25 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Los Angeles City CollegeTheater 100 Introduction to the Theatr
SJSU TA 010Los Angeles Mission CollegeTHEATER 100 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Los Angeles Pierce CollegeTheater 100 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Los Angeles Southwest CollegeTHEATER 100 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010Los Angeles Trade Technical CollegeTheater 100 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010Los Angeles Valley CollegeTheater 100 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010Los Medanos CollegeDRAMA 016 Theatre Appreciation
SJSU TA 010Mendocino CollegeTHE 200 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Merced CollegeTHTR 1 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Miracosta CollegeDram 105 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Modesto Junior CollegeThetr 100 Introduction to Theater Arts
SJSU TA 010Monterey Peninsula CollegeTHEA 1 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Moorpark CollegeTHA M01 Introduction to Theatre
THA M01H Honors: Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Moreno Valley CollegeTHE 3 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010Mount San Antonio CollegeTHTR 9 Introduction to Theater Arts
SJSU TA 010Mount San Jacinto CollegeTha 101 Introduction to Theater
THA 101H Honors Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Napa Valley CollegeThea 100 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Norco CollegeTHE 3 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010Ohlone CollegeTD 102 Introduction to Theatre Appreciation
SJSU TA 010Orange Coast CollegeThea A100 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Oxnard CollegeTHTR R111 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Palo Verde CollegeTHA 110 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Palomar CollegeTA 100 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Pasadena City CollegeTHRT 001 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Porterville CollegeDRMA P101 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Rio Hondo CollegeTHTR 101 Theatre Arts Appreciation
SJSU TA 010Riverside City CollegeTHE 3 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010Sacramento City CollegeTA 300 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Saddleback CollegeTA 20 Theatre Appreciation
SJSU TA 010San Bernardino Valley CollegeTHART 100 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010San Diego City CollegeDram 105 Introduction to Dramatic Arts
SJSU TA 010San Diego Mesa CollegeDram 105 Introduction to Dramatic Arts
SJSU TA 010San Diego State UniversityThea 100 The Art of Theatre
SJSU TA 010San Joaquin Delta CollegeDrama 10 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010San Jose City CollegeTheat 020 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Santa Ana CollegeThea 100 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Santa Barbara City CollegeTA 103 Theatre Appreciation
SJSU TA 010Santa Monica CollegeThart 2 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010Santa Rosa Junior CollegeThAr 1 World Theatre Through Time
THAR 2 Introduction to Theatre Arts
SJSU TA 010Santiago Canyon CollegeThea 100 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Shasta CollegeThtr 1 Introduction to Theatre Arts
SJSU TA 010Sierra CollegeTHEA 13 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Solano Community CollegeTHEA 006 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Southwestern CollegeTA 101 Introduction to the Theatre
SJSU TA 010Taft CollegeDRAM 1510 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Ventura CollegeTHA V01 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010Victor Valley CollegeTA 101 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 010West Hills College - LemoorePA 001 Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010West Los Angeles CollegeTHEATER 100 Introduction to the Theater
SJSU TA 010West Valley CollegeThea 010 Introduction to Theater
Thea 010H Honors Introduction to Theater
SJSU TA 010Yuba CollegeTHART 10 Introduction to Theatre
SJSU TA 011Antelope Valley CollegeTHA 225 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Bakersfield CollegeTHEA B18 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Cabrillo CollegeTA 14 Script Analysis for Theatre and Film
SJSU TA 011Canada CollegeDRAM 150 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Cerritos CollegeTH 112 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Chabot CollegeTHTR 17 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Chaffey CollegeTHEATRE 7 Theatrical Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Citrus Community CollegeTHEA 200 The Art of the Theatre
SJSU TA 011College of MarinDRAM 116 Survey of Dramatic Literature: Ancient Greek to the Present
SJSU TA 011College of the CanyonsTHEATR 210 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011College of the DesertTA 4 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011College of the SiskiyousTHEA 2400 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Cosumnes River CollegeTA 305 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Crafton Hills CollegeENGL 226 Play and Screenplay Analysis
THART 226 Play and Screenplay Analysis
SJSU TA 011Cuesta CollegeDRA 214 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Cypress CollegeTHEA 101C Play Analysis
SJSU TA 011Diablo Valley CollegeDRAMA 114 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011East Los Angeles CollegeTHEATER 114 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Foothill CollegeTHTR 43A Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Fresno City CollegeTA 38 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Fullerton CollegeTHEA 109F Modern Dramatic Literature
SJSU TA 011Gavilan CollegeTHEA 26 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Glendale Community CollegeTART 107 Drama Heritage: Play Structure, Form, and Analysis
SJSU TA 011Grossmont CollegeTHTR 101 Introduction to Narrative Theory
SJSU TA 011Hartnell CollegeTAC 2 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Irvine Valley CollegeTA 29 Script Analysis
TA 29H Script Analysis: Honors
SJSU TA 011Laney CollegeTHART 20 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Las Positas CollegeTHEA 53 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Los Angeles Mission CollegeTHEATER 114 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Los Angeles Pierce CollegeTHEATER 114 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Los Angeles Southwest CollegeTHEATER 114 Script Study for Theatre Performance, Production, and Appreciation
SJSU TA 011Los Angeles Valley CollegeTHEATER 114 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Mendocino CollegeTHE 202 Dramatic Literature and Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Merced CollegeTHTR 14 Script Analysis: Plays in Performance
SJSU TA 011Miracosta CollegeDRAM 123 Script Analysis for Performance and Design
SJSU TA 011Modesto Junior CollegeTHETR 114 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Moorpark CollegeTHA M08 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Mount San Antonio CollegeTHTR 20 Intro to Script Analysis for the Theater
ETHS 20 Introduction to Script Analysis for the Theater
SJSU TA 011Palo Verde CollegeTHA 114 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Palomar CollegeTA 150 Dramatic Literature and Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Pasadena City CollegeTHRT 009 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Riverside City CollegeTHE 9 Dramatic Literature-Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011San Bernardino Valley CollegeTHART 105 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011San Diego Mesa CollegeDRAM 112 Introduction to Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Santa Barbara City CollegeTA 107 Development of Drama: Greek to Renaissance
TA 108 Development of Drama: Restoration to Contemporary
TA 104 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Santa Rosa Junior CollegeENGL 11 Introduction to Dramatic Literature
SJSU TA 011Sierra CollegeTHEA 21 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Solano Community CollegeTHEA 009 Script Analysis
SJSU TA 011Southwestern CollegeTA 102 Play Analysis for Performance, Production, and Appreciation
SJSU TA 011West Los Angeles CollegeTHEATER 114 Script Study for Theater Performance, Production, and Appreciation
SJSU TA 011West Valley CollegeTHEA 011A Script Analysis: Classical
THEA 011B Script Analysis: Modern Realism
THEA 011C Script Analysis: Contemporary/Absurdist
SJSU TA 017Allan Hancock Community CollegeDRMA 106 Acting II
SJSU TA 017American River CollegeTA 351 Theory and Techniques of Acting II
SJSU TA 017Antelope Valley CollegeTHA 125 Intermediate Acting Workshop
SJSU TA 017Bakersfield College*THEA B2A Elements of Acting
THEA B2B Elements of Acting
SJSU TA 017Barstow CollegeTART 6 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Butte CollegeDRAM 9 Principles of Acting II
SJSU TA 017Cabrillo CollegeTA 10B Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Canada CollegeDRAM 201 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Cerritos CollegeTH 111 Intermediate Acting to Characterization
SJSU TA 017Chabot CollegeTHTR 2A Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Chaffey CollegeTHEATRE 12 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Citrus Community CollegeTHEA 202 Stage Acting II - Intermediate
SJSU TA 017City College of San FranciscoTHA 150B Intermediate Acting Fundamentals
SJSU TA 017College of MarinDRAM 131 Theory and Practice in Acting II
SJSU TA 017College of the CanyonsTHEATR 141 Scene Performance
SJSU TA 017College of the DesertTA 3 Acting II
SJSU TA 017College of the RedwoodsDRAMA 30B Acting II
SJSU TA 017College of the SequoiasDRAM 003 Fundamentals of Acting 2
SJSU TA 017College of the SiskiyousTHEA 1200 Intermediate Principles of Acting
SJSU TA 017Cosumnes River CollegeTA 351 Theory and Techniques of Acting II
SJSU TA 017Crafton Hills CollegeTHART 220 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017CSU, BakersfieldThtr 2000 Acting II
SJSU TA 017CSU, San BernardinoTA 252 Acting II: Creating a Role
SJSU TA 017Cuesta CollegeDRA 201 Acting II: Acting for the Camera
SJSU TA 017Cypress CollegeTHEA 124C Acting II
SJSU TA 017DeAnza College*THEA 20B Theory & Technique of Acting (Modern Period)
THEA 20C Theory & Technique of Acting (Classic Period)
SJSU TA 017Diablo Valley CollegeDRAMA 123 Intermediate Principles of Acting
SJSU TA 017East Los Angeles CollegeTHEATER 272 Intermediate Applied Acting
SJSU TA 017El Camino CollegeTHEA 214A Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Folsom Lake CollegeTA 350 Theory and Techniques of Acting I
TA 351 Theory and Techniques of Acting II
SJSU TA 017Foothill CollegeTHTR 20B Acting II
THTR 20C Acting III
SJSU TA 017Fresno City CollegeTA 43 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Fullerton CollegeTHEA 181F Intermediate Principles of Acting
THEA 182F Advanced Principles of Acting I
SJSU TA 017Gavilan CollegeTHEA 12B Acting II
SJSU TA 017Golden West CollegeTHEA G107 Acting 2
SJSU TA 017Grossmont CollegeTHTR 131 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Hartnell CollegeTAC 11 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Irvine Valley CollegeTA 8 Advanced Acting
SJSU TA 017Laney CollegeTHART 22 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Long Beach City CollegeTart 2 Acting 2 - Techniques and Characterization
SJSU TA 017Los Angeles City CollegeTHEATER 272 Intermediate Applied Acting
SJSU TA 017Los Angeles Harbor CollegeTHEATER 271 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Los Angeles Mission CollegeTHEATER 271 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Los Angeles Pierce CollegeTheater 271 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Los Angeles Southwest CollegeTHEATER 271 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Los Angeles Valley CollegeTHEATER 272 Intermediate Applied Acting
SJSU TA 017Los Medanos CollegeDRAMA 021 Principles of Acting 2
SJSU TA 017Mendocino CollegeTHE 210D Acting Styles
SJSU TA 017Merced CollegeTHTR 11 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Miracosta CollegeDram 231 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Modesto Junior CollegeThetr 161 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Monterey Peninsula CollegeTHEA 15B Acting II
SJSU TA 017Moorpark CollegeTHA M02B Acting II
SJSU TA 017Mount San Antonio CollegeTHTR 12 Principles of Acting II
SJSU TA 017Mount San Jacinto CollegeTha 111 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Napa Valley CollegeThea 210 Acting III
SJSU TA 017Norco CollegeTHE 33 Scene Acting: Creating a Role
SJSU TA 017Ohlone CollegeTD 111 Intermediate Acting - Scene Study
SJSU TA 017Orange Coast CollegeThea A107 Acting 2
SJSU TA 017Palo Verde CollegeTHA 152 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Palomar CollegeTA 116 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Pasadena City CollegeThrt 002B Acting II
SJSU TA 017Rio Hondo CollegeThtr 111 Principles of Acting II
SJSU TA 017Riverside City CollegeTHE 33 Scene Acting: Creating a Role
SJSU TA 017Sacramento City CollegeTA 351 Theory and Techniques of Acting II
SJSU TA 017Saddleback CollegeTA 2 Scene Study I
SJSU TA 017San Bernardino Valley CollegeThart 121 Acting Fundamentals II
SJSU TA 017San Diego City CollegeDram 133 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017San Diego Mesa CollegeDram 133 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017San Diego State UniversityThea 231 Acting II
SJSU TA 017San Jose City CollegeTheat 003 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Santa Ana CollegeThea 111 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Santa Barbara City CollegeTA 112 Intermediate Acting A
SJSU TA 017Santa Monica CollegeTHART 42 Acting II
SJSU TA 017Santa Rosa Junior CollegeThar 10B Scene Study and Characterization
SJSU TA 017Santiago Canyon CollegeThea 111 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Sierra CollegeTHEA 10B Acting II
SJSU TA 017Skyline CollegeDRAM 201 Advanced Acting I
SJSU TA 017Solano Community CollegeTHEA 002 Acting 2
SJSU TA 017Ventura CollegeTHA V02B Acting II
SJSU TA 017West Los Angeles CollegeTHEATER 271 Intermediate Acting
SJSU TA 017Yuba CollegeTHART 12A Intermediate Studies in Acting I
SJSU TA 048Cabrillo College*TA 11 Voice & Diction for the Theatre
TA 12A Movement for Actors
SJSU TA 048Diablo Valley CollegeDRAMA 124 Advanced Principles of Acting
SJSU TA 048Los Medanos CollegeDRAMA 022 Principles of Voice for Acting
SJSU TA 048San Bernardino Valley CollegeTHART 147 Theatre Movement
SJSU TA 051AAllan Hancock Community CollegeDRMA 124 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AAmerican River CollegeTA 420 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AAntelope Valley CollegeTHA 102 Introduction to Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ABakersfield CollegeTHEA B16 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ACabrillo CollegeTA 28 Backstage Theatre
TA 31 Introduction to Design in the Theatre
SJSU TA 051ACanada CollegeDRAM 305 Technical Production I
SJSU TA 051ACerritos CollegeTH 120 Theatre Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AChaffey CollegeTHEATRE 30 Technical Theatre
SJSU TA 051ACitrus Community CollegeTHEA 130 Introduction to Theatrical Scenery
THEA 122 Stage Craft
SJSU TA 051ACity College of San FranciscoTHA 60 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ACollege of MarinDRAM 150 Introduction to Theatre Production
SJSU TA 051ACollege of the CanyonsTHEATR 120 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ACollege of the DesertTA 9 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ACollege of the SequoiasDRAM 013 Beginning Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ACollege of the SiskiyousTHEA 1600 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AContra Costa CollegeDRAMA 106 Technical Theatre Production/Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ACosumnes River CollegeTA 420 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ACrafton Hills CollegeTHART 179 Fundamentals of Stagecraft II
SJSU TA 051ACuesta CollegeDRA 211 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ACypress CollegeTHEA 143C Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ADiablo Valley CollegeDRAMA 200 Introduction to Technical Theater
SJSU TA 051AEast Los Angeles CollegeTECTHTR 300 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AEl Camino CollegeTHEA 184 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AFolsom Lake CollegeTA 420 Stagecraft
TA 424 Advanced Technical Theatre
SJSU TA 051AFoothill CollegeTHTR 21A Scenery and Property Construction
SJSU TA 051AFresno City CollegeTA 25 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AFullerton CollegeTHEA 143F Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AGlendale Community CollegeTART 171 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AGolden West CollegeTHEA G175 Stage Scenery
THEA G166 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AGrossmont CollegeTHTR 155 Stagecrafts
SJSU TA 051AHartnell CollegeTAC 26 Stage Scenic Construction
SJSU TA 051AIrvine Valley CollegeTA 2 Beginning Scene Study
TA 44 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ALaney CollegeTHART 40 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ALas Positas CollegeTHEA 50 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ALong Beach City CollegeTart 40 Stage Craft
SJSU TA 051ALos Angeles City CollegeTHEATER 300 Introduction to Stage Craft
SJSU TA 051ALos Angeles Harbor CollegeTHEATER 300 Introduction to Stage Craft
THEATER 301 Stage Craft
SJSU TA 051ALos Angeles Mission CollegeTHEATER 300 Introduction to Stage Craft
SJSU TA 051ALos Angeles Pierce CollegeTHEATER 300 Introduction to Stage Craft
SJSU TA 051ALos Angeles Southwest CollegeTHEATER 300 Introduction to Stage Craft
SJSU TA 051ALos Angeles Valley CollegeTHEATER 301 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ALos Medanos CollegeDRAMA 040 Theatrical Stagecraft
DRAMA 041 Theatrical Design
SJSU TA 051AMendocino CollegeTHE 208A Stagecraft I
SJSU TA 051AMerced CollegeTHTR 30 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AMiracosta CollegeDRAM 256 Stagecraft for Theatre, Television and Film
SJSU TA 051AModesto Junior CollegeTHETR 105 Introduction to Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AMonterey Peninsula CollegeTHEA 21A Theatre Workshop I
THEA 19 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AMoorpark CollegeTTHA M20 Stagecrafts
SJSU TA 051AMount San Antonio CollegeTHTR 14 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AMount San Jacinto CollegeTha 117 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ANapa Valley CollegeTHEA 141 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ANorco CollegeTHE 41 Elementary Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AOhlone CollegeTD 150 Technical Theatre
SJSU TA 051AOrange Coast CollegeThea A175 Stage Scenery
SJSU TA 051APalo Verde CollegeTHA 171 Introduction to Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051APalomar CollegeTA 108 Stagecraft and Scene Design for Theatre & Television
SJSU TA 051APasadena City CollegeTHRT 012A Technical Theater
SJSU TA 051ARio Hondo CollegeTHTR 150 Stagecraft I for Theatre, TV, and Film
SJSU TA 051ARiverside City CollegeTHE 41 Elementary Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASacramento City CollegeTA 420 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASaddleback CollegeETT 40 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASan Bernardino Valley CollegeThart 160X4 Technical Theatre in Production
SJSU TA 051ASan Diego City CollegeDRAM 123 Beginning Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASan Joaquin Delta CollegeDRAMA 19A Introduction to Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASanta Ana CollegeTHEA 131 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASanta Barbara City CollegeTA 120 Understanding Scenography
TA 121 Introduction to Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASanta Monica CollegeThart 20 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASanta Rosa Junior CollegeTHAR 20 Introduction to Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AShasta CollegeTHTR 30 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASierra CollegeTHEA 14 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051ASolano Community CollegeTHEA 003 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051AVentura CollegeTHA V05A Stagecraft I
SJSU TA 051AWest Valley CollegeTHEA 045B Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051BAmerican River CollegeTA 430 Costume Construction
SJSU TA 051BAntelope Valley CollegeTHA 104 Introduction to Stage Costume
SJSU TA 051BButte CollegeDRAM 15 Costume Construction I
SJSU TA 051BCabrillo CollegeTA 34 Costume Workshop
TA 28 Backstage Theatre
TA 31 Introduction to Design in the Theatre
SJSU TA 051BCerritos CollegeTH 221 Costuming for the Stage
SJSU TA 051BChabot CollegeTHTR 22 Introduction to Design for the Theater: Emphasis in Costume and Makeup
SJSU TA 051BChaffey CollegeTHEATRE 40 Stage Costuming
SJSU TA 051BCollege of MarinDRAM 152 Introduction to Stage Costume
SJSU TA 051BCollege of the CanyonsTHEATR 130 Costume Crafts
SJSU TA 051BCollege of the SequoiasDRAM 012 Costuming
SJSU TA 051BCosumnes River CollegeTA 430 Costume Construction
SJSU TA 051BCuesta CollegeDRA 236 Intro to Theatrical Costume Construction
SJSU TA 051BCypress CollegeTHEA 145C Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BDiablo Valley CollegeDRAMA 113 Introduction to Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BEast Los Angeles CollegeTECTHTR 360 Costume Design for Theatre
SJSU TA 051BFolsom Lake CollegeTA 430 Costume Construction
SJSU TA 051BFoothill CollegeTHTR 25 Introduction to Fashion & Costume Construction
SJSU TA 051BFresno City CollegeTA 35 Costume Crafts
TA 36 Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BFullerton CollegeTHEA 171F Beginning Theatrical Costuming and Design
SJSU TA 051BGavilan CollegeTHEA 25 Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BGlendale Community CollegeTART 123 Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BGolden West CollegeTHEA G178 Introduction to Stage Costume
SJSU TA 051BGrossmont CollegeTHTR 134A Fundamentals of Costume Design and Construction I
SJSU TA 051BIrvine Valley CollegeTA 42 Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BLas Positas CollegeTHEA 51 Introduction to Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BLong Beach City CollegeTART 43 Introduction to Stage Costume
SJSU TA 051BLos Angeles City CollegeTHEATER 415 Costume Design for the Theater
SJSU TA 051BLos Angeles Pierce CollegeTHEATER 411 Costuming for the Theater
SJSU TA 051BLos Angeles Southwest CollegeTHEATER 405 Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BLos Angeles Valley CollegeTHEATER 411 Costuming for the Theater
SJSU TA 051BLos Medanos CollegeDRAMA 041 Theatrical Design
SJSU TA 051BMerced CollegeTHTR 31 Introduction to Theatre Design
SJSU TA 051BMiracosta CollegeDRAM 146 Costume Design for Theater, Television and Film
SJSU TA 051BModesto Junior CollegeTHETR 175 Stage Costuming
SJSU TA 051BMonterey Peninsula CollegeTHEA 24 Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BMoorpark CollegeTTHA M27A Costume Design I
SJSU TA 051BMount San Antonio CollegeTHTR 19 Theatrical Costuming
SJSU TA 051BMount San Jacinto CollegeTHA 121 Costume Construction
SJSU TA 051BNapa Valley CollegeTHEA 142 Introduction to Stage Costume
SJSU TA 051BNorco CollegeTHE 46 Theatrical Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BOhlone CollegeTD 155A Costume Construction I
TD 155B Costume Construction II
TD 156 Theatrical Costuming
SJSU TA 051BOrange Coast CollegeTHEA A178 Stage Costuming
SJSU TA 051BPalomar CollegeTA 106 Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BPasadena City CollegeTHRT 015 Costume Crafts
SJSU TA 051BRio Hondo CollegeTHTR 174 Costume Design and Production for Theatre, TV, and Film
SJSU TA 051BRiverside City CollegeTHE 46 Theatrical Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BSacramento City CollegeTA 430 Costume Construction
SJSU TA 051BSaddleback CollegeETT 42 Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BSan Bernardino Valley CollegeThart 160X4 Technical Theatre in Production
THART 139 Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BSan Joaquin Delta CollegeDRAMA 23A Stage Costume: Costume Construction I
SJSU TA 051BSan Jose City CollegeTHEAT 051 Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BSanta Ana CollegeTHEA 136 Fundamentals of Costume Design
FDM 136 Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BSanta Barbara City CollegeTA 131 Costume Technology
TA 134 Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BSanta Monica CollegeTHART 26 Introduction to Stage Costuming
SJSU TA 051BSanta Rosa Junior CollegeTHAR 21A Introduction to Costume Technology
THAR 28 Introduction to Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BSolano Community CollegeTHEA 032A Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051BWest Valley CollegeTHEA 047A Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 051CCabrillo CollegeTA 28 Backstage Theatre
TA 31 Introduction to Design in the Theatre
SJSU TA 051CCitrus Community CollegeTHEA 245 Stage and Project Management for Theatre, TV and Film
SJSU TA 051CLos Medanos CollegeDRAMA 041 Theatrical Design
SJSU TA 051CModesto Junior CollegeTHETR 105 Introduction to Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051CMount San Antonio CollegeTHTR 14 Stagecraft
SJSU TA 051COhlone College*TD 161 Stagecraft Lab (Theatre, Television, Dance)
TD 162 Stagecraft Lab (Theatre, Television, Dance)
TD 163 Stagecraft Lab (Theatre, Television, Dance)
TD 164 Stagecraft Lab (Theatre, Television, Dance)
SJSU TA 051CSan Jose City CollegeTHEAT 033 Technical Theatre in Production
SJSU TA 051CSanta Barbara City CollegeTA 215 Fundamentals of Directing
SJSU TA 051CSolano Community CollegeTHEA 032A Fundamentals of Costume Design
SJSU TA 064Allan Hancock Community CollegeDRMA 128 Stage Maskeup
SJSU TA 064American River CollegeTA 437 Stage Make-Up I
SJSU TA 064Antelope Valley CollegeTHA 133 Makeup for the Stage
SJSU TA 064Cabrillo CollegeTA 33 Make-Up and Masks
SJSU TA 064California Polytechnic University, HumboldtTA 121 Make-up for Stage and Screen
SJSU TA 064Cerritos CollegeTH 123 Stage Make-Up
SJSU TA 064Chaffey CollegeTHEATRE 42 Theatrical Makeup
SJSU TA 064City College of San FranciscoTHA 81 Introduction to Stage Makeup and Wig Design
SJSU TA 064College of the DesertTA 80 Theatre Makeup
SJSU TA 064College of the SequoiasDRAM 017 Makeup
SJSU TA 064College of the SiskiyousTHEA 1150 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064CSU, ChicoTHEA 223 Make-Up
SJSU TA 064CSU, FullertonThtr 285 Theatrical Makeup
SJSU TA 064CSU, Long BeachThea 144 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064CSU, San BernardinoTA 131 Makeup for Stage and Screen
SJSU TA 064Cypress CollegeTHEA 147C Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Diablo Valley CollegeDRAMA 112 Introduction to Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064East Los Angeles CollegeTECTHTR 350 Make-up for Theatre
SJSU TA 064El Camino CollegeTHEA 188 Fundamentals of Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Foothill CollegeTHTR 40A Basic Theatrical Makeup
SJSU TA 064Fresno City CollegeTA 28 Introduction to Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Fullerton CollegeTHEA 172F Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Glendale Community College*TART 109 Stage Makeup I
TART 110 Stage Makeup II
SJSU TA 064Golden West CollegeTHEA G177 Make-up
SJSU TA 064Hartnell CollegeTAC 28 Makeup/Hair Techniques for Stage
SJSU TA 064Irvine Valley CollegeTA 49 Stage Makeup Design
SJSU TA 064Long Beach City CollegeTart 55 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Los Angeles Mission CollegeTHEATER 450 Beginning Stage Make-up
SJSU TA 064Los Angeles Valley CollegeTHEATER 450 Beginning Stage Make-Up
SJSU TA 064Miracosta CollegeDram 253 Makeup for Theatre, Television and Film
SJSU TA 064Modesto Junior CollegeTHETR 174 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Monterey Peninsula CollegeTHEA 25 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Moorpark CollegeTTHA M28 Production Makeup
SJSU TA 064Mount San Antonio CollegeTHTR 16 Theatrical Make-Up
SJSU TA 064Mount San Jacinto CollegeTHA 122 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Ohlone CollegeTD 154 Theatrical Makeup for Stage, TV and Dance
SJSU TA 064Orange Coast CollegeThea A177 Make-up
SJSU TA 064Palomar CollegeTA 109 Introduction to Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Pasadena City CollegeTHRT 010A Makeup for Stage and Screen
SJSU TA 064Riverside City CollegeTHE 25 Makeup for the Stage
SJSU TA 064Sacramento City CollegeTA 437 Stage Make-up I
SJSU TA 064Saddleback CollegeTA 43 Stage Make-up
SJSU TA 064San Bernardino Valley CollegeThart 165 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064San Diego City CollegeDRAM 124 Makeup for the Stage
SJSU TA 064San Diego Mesa CollegeDram 124 Makeup for the Stage
SJSU TA 064San Joaquin Delta CollegeDrama 15A Makeup for the Theatre
SJSU TA 064San Jose City CollegeTHEAT 052 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Santa Ana CollegeThea 132 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Santa Barbara City CollegeTA 136 Theatrical Makeup Techniques
SJSU TA 064Santa Rosa Junior CollegeThAr 22 Theatrical Makeup Design for Stage and Screen
THAR 25.4 Production Lab: Makeup Crew
SJSU TA 064Shasta CollegeThtr 34 Makeup
SJSU TA 064Sierra CollegeTHEA 17 Stage Makeup
SJSU TA 064Solano Community CollegeThea 008 Stage Make-up
SJSU TA 064Ventura CollegeTHA V06A Make-Up I
SJSU TA 064West Valley CollegeThea 044A Makeup for Stage & Screen

Special Notes (*):

Courses with an asterisk (*) have a special comment.

See the course-to-course report for the corresponding school.

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(page last modified: 01/17/2025)