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Lower Division Requirements
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Course-to-Course Articulation

San José State University -to- Chabot College

San José State University has established the following course-to-course articulation agreement with Chabot College.

San José State University

Chabot College

African American Studies

AFAM 002A African Americans and the Development of America's History and GovernmentNo Current Equivalent
AFAM 002B African Americans and the Development of America's History and GovernmentNo Current Equivalent
AFAM 022 The Humanities in African-American CultureNo Current Equivalent
AFAM 040 African OriginsNo Current Equivalent


ANTH 011 Cultural AnthropologyANTH 3 Social & Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 012 Introduction to Human EvolutionANTH 1 Biological/Physical Anthropology
ANTH 013 ArchaeologyANTH 2 Introduction to Archaeology
ANTH 025 Human Lifecourse in ContextNo Current Equivalent

Art and Art History

ART 012 Two-Dimensional Design and Color ConceptsART 23 2-D Foundations
ART 013 Three-Dimensional Design ConceptsART 24 3-D Foundations
ART 014 ColorNo Current Equivalent
ART 024 Drawing IART 2A Introduction to Drawing
ART 025 Expressive DrawingNo Current Equivalent
ART 026 Drawing IIART 2B Drawing & Composition
ART 039 Multicultural Arts for ChildrenNo Current Equivalent
ART 046 Introduction to CeramicsART 16A Introduction to Ceramics I
ART 047 Introduction to MetalsmithingNo Current Equivalent
ART 061 Beginning PaintingART 7A Introduction to Watercolor Painting
ART 12A Beginning Oil Painting
ART 13A Acrylic Painting - Beginning I
ART 068 Beginning Sculpture: Object & ConceptART 17A Beginning Sculpture 1
ART 18A Wood and Stone Sculpture 1
ART 20 All Media Sculpture
ART 074 Introduction to Digital MediaNo Current Equivalent
ART 075 Introduction to Digital Video ArtNo Current Equivalent
ARTH 011 Modern Art HistoryNo Current Equivalent
ARTH 070A Art History, Prehistoric to MedievalARTH 4 Art History - Ancient to Gothic
ARTH 070B Art History, Renaissance to ModernARTH 5 Art History - Renaissance to Modern-Day
ARTH 070C Arts of AsiaNo Current Equivalent
ARTH 072 Design in SocietyNo Current Equivalent
PHOT 040 Beginning PhotographyPHOT 1A Digital Photography I


AVIA 001 Introduction to the Aviation IndustryNo Current Equivalent
AVIA 002 Private Pilot GroundNo Current Equivalent
AVIA 031 Aircraft Theory and DesignNo Current Equivalent
AVIA 042 Aircraft SystemsNo Current Equivalent
AVIA 043 Propulsion TheoryNo Current Equivalent
AVIA 062 Instrument Pilot GroundNo Current Equivalent
AVIA 068 Avionics and Airborne CommunicationNo Current Equivalent
AVIA 073 Air Traffic ControlNo Current Equivalent
AVIA 091 Aircraft Turbine EnginesNo Current Equivalent

Biological Sciences

BIOL 010 The Living WorldBIOS 1 Introduction to the Science of Biology
BIOS 41 Introduction to College Biology for Health Sciences
BIOL 020 Ecological BiologyENSC 10 Humans and the Environment
ENSC 11 Humans and the Environment with Laboratory
BIOL 021 Human BiologyNo Current Equivalent
BIOL 030 Principles of Biology IBIOS 21C Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 031 Principles of Biology IIBIOS 21B Principles of Animal Biology and Evolution
BIOS 21A Principles of Plant Biology and Ecology
(BIOS 21B & BIOS 21A must be completed at same school)
BIOL 055 BiostatisticsPSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
MTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH 43S Intro to Probability and Statistics with Support
BUS 19 Business Statistics
BIOL 065 Human AnatomyBIOS 42 General Human Anatomy
BIOL 065O Human AnatomyNo Current Equivalent
BIOL 066 Human PhysiologyBIOS 43 Human Physiology
MICR 020 General BacteriologyBIOS 44 Microbiology


BUS1 020 Financial AccountingBUS 1A Financial Accounting
BUS1 020N Survey of AccountingNo Current Equivalent
BUS1 021 Managerial AccountingBUS 1B Managerial Accounting
BUS2 090 Business StatisticsBUS 19 Business Statistics
MTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH 43S Intro to Probability and Statistics with Support
PSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
BUS3 010 Discovering BusinessBUS 12 Introduction to Business
BUS3 080 Legal Environment of BusinessBUS 10 Business Law
BUS4 091L Computer Tools for BusinessCSCI 8 Computer Literacy
CAS 50 Introduction to Computer Application Systems
BUS4 092 Introduction to Business ProgrammingCSCI 10 Introduction to Programming Using Visual BASIC.Net


CHEM 001A General ChemistryCHEM 1A General College Chemistry I
CHEM 001B General ChemistryCHEM 1B General College Chemistry II
CHEM 008 Organic ChemistryCHEM 12A Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 12B Organic Chemistry II
(CHEM 12A & CHEM 12B must be completed at same school)
CHEM 009 Organic Chemistry LabCHEM 12A Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 12B Organic Chemistry II
(CHEM 12A & CHEM 12B must be completed at same school)
CHEM 030A Introductory ChemistryCHEM 30A Introductory & Applied Chemistry I
CHEM 31 Introduction to College Chemistry
CHEM 030B Introductory ChemistryCHEM 30B Introductory & Applied Chemistry II
CHEM 55 and 55L Quantitative Analysis and Lab sequenceNo Current Equivalent
CHEM 112A, 112B and 113A Organic Chemistry & LabCHEM 12A Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 12B Organic Chemistry II
CONTENT CREDIT ONLY (CHEM 12A & CHEM 12B must be completed at same school)
Chemistry for Nursing Equivalent Transfer CourseNo Current Equivalent

Chicano and Chicana Studies

CCS 001 Introduction to Chicana and Chicano StudiesNo Current Equivalent
CCS 025 The Changing Majority: Power and Ethnicity in AmericaNo Current Equivalent

Communication Studies

COMM 010 Communication and Human RelationshipsNo Current Equivalent
COMM 020 Public SpeakingCOMM 1 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
COMM 040 Argumentation and AdvocacyCOMM 46 Argumentation & Debate
COMM 041 Critical Decision MakingNo Current Equivalent
COMM 045 Media and CultureNo Current Equivalent
COMM 074 Fundamentals of Intercultural CommunicationCOMM 11 Intercultural Communication

Comparative Religious Studies

RELS 070 Gods, Guns, Gurus, Grails-World ReligionRELS 50 Religions of the World
RELS 090 Bible History and LiteratureNo Current Equivalent
RELS 099 Death, Dying and ReligionsNo Current Equivalent

Computer Science

CS 022A Python for EveryoneNo Current Equivalent
CS 022B Python Programming for Data AnalysisNo Current Equivalent
CS 046A Introduction to ProgrammingCSCI 15 Object-Oriented Programming Methods
CSCI 19A Object-Oriented Programming Methods in JAVA
CS 046B Introduction to Data StructuresCSCI 20 Introduction to Data Structures
CS 047 Introduction to Computer SystemsCSCI 21 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
CS 049C Programming in CCSCI 15 Object-Oriented Programming Methods
CS 049J Programming in JavaNo Current Equivalent


ANI 010 Light and OpticsNo Current Equivalent
ANI 011 Illustration Fundamentals IART 2A Introduction to Drawing
ANI 013 Drawing for Animation/Illustration IART 3A Figure and Composition I
ANI 021 Color Principles for Screen ArtsNo Current Equivalent
ANI 031 2D Animation INo Current Equivalent
ANI 041 Introduction to 3D ModelingNo Current Equivalent
ANI 061 Introduction to 3D AnimationNo Current Equivalent
ANI 071 Visual PrinciplesNo Current Equivalent
DSGD 063 Fundamental Graphic VisualizationNo Current Equivalent
DSGD 083 Digital Applications: BasicsNo Current Equivalent
DSGD 099 Introduction to TypographyNo Current Equivalent
DSIT 005 Introduction of Interior Design and ArchitectureNo Current Equivalent
DSIT 010 Sketching, Drawing + ModelingNo Current Equivalent
DSIT 029 Design ProcessNo Current Equivalent
DSIT 033 Architectural PresentationNo Current Equivalent
DSIT 034 Interior Architecture Foundation StudioNo Current Equivalent
DSIT 083 Visual Communication INo Current Equivalent


ECON 001A Principles of Economics: MacroeconomicsECN 2 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 001B Principles of Economics: MicroeconomicsECN 1 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 003 Economic StatisticsBUS 19 Business Statistics
MTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH 43S Intro to Probability and Statistics with Support
PSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences


CHAD 060 Child DevelopmentECD 56 Child Growth and Development
CHAD 070 Lifespan Development in the 21st CenturyPSY 12 Lifespan Psychology
CHAD 080 Quantitative Analysis in Developmental ScienceNo Current Equivalent
EDSE 014A American Sign Language ISL 64 Beginning Sign Language
EDSE 014B American Sign Language IISL 65 Intermediate Sign Language


AE 020 Computer-Aided Design for Aerospace EngineersENGR 22 Engineering Design Graphics
APPM 9781A SolidWorks for Machine Shops
MTT 81A Solid Works for Machine Shops
AE 030 Computer Programming for Aerospace EngineersENGR 25 Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists
MTH 25 Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists
PHYS 25 Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists
CE 008 Plane SurveyingNo Current Equivalent
CE 020 Engineering Graphics, CAD and ProgrammingNo Current Equivalent
CE 095 Theory and Application of StaticsENGR 36 Engineering Mechanics-Statics
CE 099 Introductory StaticsENGR 36 Engineering Mechanics-Statics
CMPE 030 Programming Concepts and MethodologyCSCI 14 Introduction to Structured Programming in C++
CSCI 15 Object-Oriented Programming Methods
CMPE 050 Object-Oriented Concepts and MethodologyCSCI 20 Introduction to Data Structures
EE 030 Introduction to Programming Micro-Controllers for Electrical EngineeringCSCI 14 Introduction to Structured Programming in C++
CSCI 15 Object-Oriented Programming Methods
EE 097 Introductory Electrical Engineering LaboratoryENGR 43 Electrical Circuits and Devices
EE 098 Introduction to Circuit AnalysisENGR 43 Electrical Circuits and Devices
ENGR 010 Introduction to EngineeringENGR 10 Introduction to Engineering
ENGR 11 Engineering Design and Analysis
(No GE Credit given) (ENGR 10 & ENGR 11 must be completed at same school)
MATE 025 Introduction to MaterialsENGR 45 Materials of Engineering
ME 020 Design and GraphicsENGR 22 Engineering Design Graphics
ME 030 Computer ApplicationsENGR 25 Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists
MTH 25 Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists
PHYS 25 Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists
ME 041 Machine Shop SafetyMTT 70 Exploration of Precision Manufacturing

English and Comparative Literature

ENGL 001A First Year WritingENGL 1 Critical Reading & Composition
ENGL 001B Argument and AnalysisNo Current Equivalent
ENGL 002 Critical Thinking and WritingENGL 4A Critical Thinking and Writing about Literature
ENGL 7A Critical Thinking and Writing Across Disciplines
ENGL 010 Great Works of LiteratureENGL 4A Critical Thinking and Writing about Literature
ENGL 022 Fantasy and Science FictionNo Current Equivalent
ENGL 040 Contemporary World FictionENGL 45 Studies in Fiction
ENGL 050 Beginnings to the "American" ExperimentNo Current Equivalent
ENGL 060 Literatures of the Atlantic World, 1680-1860No Current Equivalent
ENGL 070 Emerging Modernisms and BeyondNo Current Equivalent
ENGL 071 Creative WritingENGL 11A Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 11B Intermediate Creative Writing
ENGL 078 Introduction to Shakespeare's DramaENGL 20 Studies in Shakespeare

Environmental Studies

ENVS 001 Introduction to Environmental IssuesENSC 10 Humans and the Environment
ENSC 11 Humans and the Environment with Laboratory
ENVS 010 Life on a Changing PlanetNo Current Equivalent

Film and Theatre

RTVF 010 The Art of FilmNo Current Equivalent
RTVF 020 Introduction to Audio for Film & TelevisionMCOM 40 Introduction to Broadcasting
MCOM 50 Radio Studio Techniques
RTVF 030 Introduction to Film & Television ProductionMCOM 60 Beginning TV Studio Production
RTVF 031 Film and Television AestheticsNo Current Equivalent
RTVF 080 Introduction to MediaMCOM 40 Introduction to Broadcasting
RTVF 082 Introduction to Film HistoryNo Current Equivalent
TA 005 ActingTHTR 1 Introduction to Acting
THTR 2A Intermediate Acting
TA 010 Theatre AppreciationTHTR 10 Introduction to Theater Arts
TA 011 Script AnalysisTHTR 17 Script Analysis
TA 017 Intermediate ActingTHTR 2A Intermediate Acting
TA 048 Voice & Movement for the ActorNo Current Equivalent
TA 051A Scenery and Props for the Performing ArtsNo Current Equivalent
TA 051B Costume for the Performing ArtsTHTR 22 Introduction to Design for the Theater: Emphasis in Costume and Makeup
TA 051C Lighting & Sound for the Performing ArtsNo Current Equivalent
TA 064 Make-up for Performing ArtsNo Current Equivalent


GEOG 001 Physical GeographyGEO 1 Introduction to Physical Geography
GEOG 010 Cultural GeographyGEO 2 Cultural Geography
GEOG 012 World Regional GeographyGEO 5 World Regional Geography


GEOL 001 General GeologyGEOS 1 Physical Geology with Laboratory
GEOS 11 Physical Geology
GEOS 11L Physical Geology with Lab
(GEOS 11 & GEOS 11L must be completed at same school)
GEOL 002 Geology for EngineersNo Current Equivalent
GEOL 003 Planet EarthNo Current Equivalent
GEOL 004L Earth Systems LabNo Current Equivalent
GEOL 007 Earth, Time and LifeNo Current Equivalent
GEOL 028 Geology OutdoorsNo Current Equivalent

Global Studies

GLST 001A Introduction to Global StudiesNo Current Equivalent


HIST 001A World History to 1500HIS 3 World History: Beginnings to 1500
HIST 001B World History from 1500HIS 4 World History: 1500 to the Present
HIST 010A Western CivilizationHIS 1 History of Western Civilization to 1600
HIST 010B Western CivilizationHIS 2 History of Western Civilization since 1600
HIST 020A History of the American PeopleHIS 7 U S History Through Reconstruction
HIST 020B History of the American PeopleHIS 8 U S History Since Reconstruction

Hospitality Management

HSPM 001 Travel to Learn, Learn to TravelNo Current Equivalent
HSPM 011 Restaurant EntrepreneurshipNo Current Equivalent
HSPM 012 Data Analytics in Restaurant OperationsNo Current Equivalent
HSPM 020 Sanitation and Environmental Issues in the Hospitality IndustryNo Current Equivalent
Hospitality Major Elective/s Equivalent Transfer Course/sNo Current Equivalent

Journalism and Mass Communications

ADV 091 Introduction to AdvertisingBUS 34 Introduction to Advertising
JOUR 061 Writing for Print, Electronic and Online MediaMCOM 20 Journalism: Reporting and News Writing
JOUR 095 Beginning Digital News PhotographyMCOM 26 Beginning Photojournalism
MCOM 063 New MediaNo Current Equivalent
MCOM 070 Visual Communication for Modern MediaNo Current Equivalent
MCOM 072 Mass Communication and SocietyMCOM 41 Introduction to Mass Communications
PR 099 Introduction to Public RelationsNo Current Equivalent

Justice Studies

FS 011 Survey of Forensic ScienceADMJ 85 Introduction to Forensics
JS 010 Introduction to Justice StudiesADMJ 50 Introduction to Administration of Justice
JS 012 Introduction to Legal StudiesNo Current Equivalent
JS 015 Introductory Statistics in Justice StudiesPSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
MTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH 43S Intro to Probability and Statistics with Support
BUS 19 Business Statistics
JS 025 Introduction to Human Rights and JusticeNo Current Equivalent


KIN 001 Adapted Physical ActivitiesNo Current Equivalent
KIN 002A Beginning SwimmingPEAC SWM1 Beginning Swimming
KIN 002B Intermediate SwimmingPEAC SWM2 Intermediate Swimming
KIN 002C Advanced SwimmingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 003 Water PoloPEAC WAP1 Water Polo
KIN 008 Skin and SCUBA DivingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 009A Beginning SailingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 011A Beginning RowingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 014A Beginning VolleyballPEAC VOL1 Introduction to Volleyball
KIN 014B Intermediate VolleyballPEAC VOL2 Intermediate Volleyball
KIN 015A Beginning BasketballPEAC BSK1 Introduction to Basketball
KIN 015B Intermediate BasketballPEAC BSK2 Intermediate Basketball
KIN 019A Beginning SoccerPEAC SOC1 Introduction to Soccer
KIN 019B Intermediate SoccerPEAC SOC2 Intermediate Soccer
KIN 020A Beginning BadmintonPEAC BAD1 Introduction to Badminton
KIN 020B Intermediate BadmintonPEAC BAD2 Intermediate Badminton
KIN 020C Advanced BadmintonPEAC BAD3 Advanced Badminton
KIN 021A Beginning TennisPEAC TEN1 Introduction to Tennis
KIN 021B Intermediate TennisPEAC TEN2 Intermediate Tennis
KIN 023A Beginning ArcheryPEAC ARH1 Archery 1
KIN 023B Intermediate ArcheryPEAC ARH2 Intermediate Archery
KIN 024A Beginning BowlingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 024B Intermediate BowlingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 025A Beginning GolfNo Current Equivalent
KIN 025B Intermediate GolfNo Current Equivalent
KIN 027A Beginning Table TennisNo Current Equivalent
KIN 027B Intermediate Table TennisNo Current Equivalent
KIN 028A Beginning GymnasticsNo Current Equivalent
KIN 029 Cardio KickboxingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 030 PilatesPEAC PIL1 Introduction to Pilates
KIN 031 Body SculptingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 032 AerobicsNo Current Equivalent
KIN 034 Step TrainingPEAC STP1 Introduction to Cardio-Step
KIN 035A Beginning Weight TrainingPEAC WEE1 Get Buff & Strong with Weights
KIN 035B Intermediate Weight TrainingPEAC WEE2 Intermediate Get Buff & Strong with Weights
KIN 037 Fitness WalkingPEAC WLK1 Walking for Fitness
KIN 040A Topics in Modern Dance INo Current Equivalent
KIN 041A Topics in Ballet INo Current Equivalent
KIN 042A Topics in Jazz Dance INo Current Equivalent
KIN 045A Beginning Lindy Hop and Night Club SwingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 046A Beginning Social DanceNo Current Equivalent
KIN 047A Beginning West Coast SwingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 048A Beginning Latin DanceNo Current Equivalent
KIN 049A Topics in Tap Dance INo Current Equivalent
KIN 050 Tai Chi (Non-Combative)No Current Equivalent
KIN 051A Beginning AikidoPEAC AKD1 Aikido 1
KIN 051B Intermediate AikidoNo Current Equivalent
KIN 052A Beginning JudoPEAC JUD1 Beginning Judo
KIN 052B Intermediate JudoPEAC JUD2 Intermediate Judo
KIN 052C Competitive JudoNo Current Equivalent
KIN 053A Beginning KarateNo Current Equivalent
KIN 053B Intermediate KarateNo Current Equivalent
KIN 054A Beginning Tae Kwon DoPEAC TKD1 Tae-Kwon-Do
KIN 055A Beginning Self-DefenseNo Current Equivalent
KIN 061A Beginning Hatha YogaPEAC YOG1 Introduction to Yoga
KIN 061B Intermediate Hatha YogaPEAC YOG2 Intermediate Yoga
KIN 063A Beginning Hiking and BackpackingNo Current Equivalent
KIN 069 Stress Management: A Multidisciplinary PerspectiveNo Current Equivalent
KIN 070 Introduction to KinesiologyKINE 1 Introduction to Kinesiology & Physical Education
(Will not satisfy PE activity requirement)

Linguistics and Language Development

LING 020 Nature of LanguageNo Current Equivalent


MATH 012 Number SystemsMTH 41 Number Systems
MATH 018A College AlgebraMTH 21 College Algebra for BSTEM
MATH 018B TrigonometryMTH 22 Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry
MATH 019 PrecalculusMTH 21 College Algebra for BSTEM
MTH 22 Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry
(MTH 21 & MTH 22 must be completed at same school)
MATH 030 Calculus IMTH 1 Calculus I
MATH 031 Calculus IIMTH 2 Calculus II
MATH 032 Calculus IIIMTH 3 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 033A Ordinary Differential Equations for SCI & ENGRMTH 4 Elementary Differential Equations
MATH 033LA Differential Equations and Linear AlgebraMTH 4 Elementary Differential Equations
MTH 6 Elementary Linear Algebra
(MTH 4 & MTH 6 must be completed at same school)
MATH 039 Linear Algebra IMTH 6 Elementary Linear Algebra
MATH 042 Discrete MathematicsMTH 8 Discrete Mathematics
CSCI 28 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 050 Scientific Computing INo Current Equivalent
MATH 070 Mathematics for BusinessMTH 33 Finite Mathematics
MTH 33S Finite Mathematics with Support
MATH 071 Calculus for Business and AviationMTH 15 Applied Calculus I


METR 010 Weather and ClimateGEO 8 Introduction to Weather and Climate
METR 012 Global Warming: Science and SolutionsNo Current Equivalent
METR 050 Scientific Computing INo Current Equivalent
METR 051 Scientific Computing IINo Current Equivalent
METR 061 Meteorology and Climate Science IINo Current Equivalent

Music and Dance

DANC 010 Dance AppreciationNo Current Equivalent
DANC 040A Topics in Modern Dance INo Current Equivalent
DANC 042A Topics in Jazz Dance INo Current Equivalent
DANC 043 Dance ImprovisationNo Current Equivalent
DANC 048A Beginning Latin DanceNo Current Equivalent
DANC 049A Topics in Tap Dance INo Current Equivalent
DANC 051A Dance ProductionNo Current Equivalent
DANC 051B Topics in Dance CrewingNo Current Equivalent
DANC 053 World DanceNo Current Equivalent
DANC 054 Topics in Dance Technique IINo Current Equivalent
DANC 075 Rhythm and Dynamics in DanceNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 001A Music Theory IAMUSL 2A Harmony and Muscianship I
Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam
MUSC 001B Musicianship IBMUSL 2A Harmony and Muscianship I
Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam
MUSC 002A Music Theory IIAMUSL 2B Harmony and Mucianship II
Subject of Completion of Theory Placement Exam
MUSC 002B Musicianship IIBMUSL 2B Harmony and Mucianship II
Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam
MUSC 003A Music Theory IIIAMUSL 2C Harmony and Musicianship III
Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam
MUSC 003B Musicianship IIIBMUSL 2C Harmony and Musicianship III
Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam
MUSC 004A Music Theory IVAMUSL 2D Harmony and Musicianship IV
Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam
MUSC 004B Musicianship IVBMUSL 2D Harmony and Musicianship IV
Subject to Completion of Theory Placement Exam
MUSC 006 Jazz TheoryNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 009 Music FundamentalsMUSL 6 Basic Music Skills
MUSC 010A Music AppreciationMUSL 1 Introduction to Music
MUSC 010B Introduction to MusicNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 012 Medieval and Renaissance MusicNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 013 Music TechnologyNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 019 Music in World CulturesMUSL 3 World Music
MUSC 025A Piano Proficiency INo Current Equivalent
MUSC 025B Piano Proficiency IINo Current Equivalent
MUSC 025C Piano Proficiency IIINo Current Equivalent
MUSC 026A Voice FundamentalsNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 027A Fundamentals of Jazz Keyboard INo Current Equivalent
MUSC 027B Fundamentals of Jazz Keyboard IINo Current Equivalent
MUSC 028 Guitar FundamentalsNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 030 PianoNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 033 VoiceNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 034 StringsNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 035 WoodwindsNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 036 BrassNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 037 PercussionNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 039A Jazz: Improvisation, Composition or Arranging 1No Current Equivalent
MUSC 040A Jazz Improvisation - INo Current Equivalent
MUSC 050A ENS: Concert ChoirNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 051 ENS: University ChoralesNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 052 ENS: Opera TheaterNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 053 ENS: University Symphony OrchestraNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 054 ENS: Symphonic BandMUSP 12 Wind Ensemble
MUSC 055 ENS: Wind EnsembleMUSP 12 Wind Ensemble
MUSC 057 ENS: Jazz OrchestraMUSP 16 Jazz Orchestra
MUSC 059 ENS: Afro-Latin Jazz EnsembleNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060A ENS: ChoraliersMUSP 45 Chamber Choir
MUSC 060C ENS: Chamber MusicNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060D ENS: Collegium MusicumNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060E ENS: Jazz SingersNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060F ENS: Small Jazz EnsemblesNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060H ENS: Percussion EnsembleNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060I ENS: Jazz EnsembleMUSP 16 Jazz Orchestra
MUSC 060J ENS: String EnsembleNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060K ENS: Brass EnsembleNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060L ENS: Woodwind EnsembleNo Current Equivalent
MUSC 060M ENS: Saxophone EnsembleNo Current Equivalent

Nutrition and Food Science

NUFS 008 Nutrition for the Health ProfessionsNUTR 1 Introduction to Nutrition Science
NUFS 009 Introduction to Human NutritionNo Current Equivalent
NUFS 012 Cost Control in HospitalityNo Current Equivalent
NUFS 020 Sanitation and Environmental Issues in the Hospitality IndustryNo Current Equivalent
NUFS 021 Culinary Principles and PracticeNo Current Equivalent
NUFS 022 Catering and Beverage ManagementNo Current Equivalent
NUFS 025 Internship in Foodservice ManagementNo Current Equivalent


PHIL 009 Mathematics and Logic for General EducationNo Current Equivalent
PHIL 010 Introduction to PhilosophyPHIL 50 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 057 Logic and Critical ReasoningPHIL 55 Symbolic Logic
PHIL 061 Moral IssuesPHIL 60 Ethics
PHIL 066 Introduction to AestheticsNo Current Equivalent
PHIL 070A Ancient PhilosophyNo Current Equivalent
PHIL 070B Early Modern PhilosophyNo Current Equivalent


PHYS 001 Elementary PhysicsPHYS 11 Descriptive Physics
PHYS 002A Fundamentals of PhysicsPHYS 3A College Physics A
PHYS 002B Fundamentals of PhysicsPHYS 3B College Physics B
PHYS 050 General Physics I: MechanicsPHYS 4A General Physics I
PHYS 051 General Physics II: Electricity and MagnetismPHYS 4B General Physics II
PHYS 052 General Physics III: Waves, Light, HeatPHYS 4C General Physics III

Political Science

POLS 001 American GovernmentPOSC 1 Introduction to American Government
POLS 002 Introduction to Comparative PoliticsPOSC 20 Comparative Government
POLS 003 Introduction to Political ThoughtPOSC 25 Introduction to Political Theory
POLS 004 Introduction to International RelationsPOSC 30 International Relations

Psychology and Statistics

PSYC 001 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 1 General Psychology
PSYC 018 Introduction to Research MethodsPSY 2 Introduction to Psychological Methodology
PSYC 030 Introductory PsychobiologyPSY 4 Brain, Mind and Behavior
STAT 095 Elementary StatisticsMTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH 43S Intro to Probability and Statistics with Support
BUS 19 Business Statistics
PSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Public Health & Recreation

PH 001 Understanding Your HealthHLTH 1 Introduction to Personal Health
PH 015 Human Life SpanPSY 12 Lifespan Psychology
PH 067 Introductory Health StatisticsPSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
MTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH 43S Intro to Probability and Statistics with Support
BUS 19 Business Statistics
PH 099 Introduction To Public HealthBIOS 18 Introduction to Public Health
HLTH 18 Introduction to Public Health
APHC 9702 Introduction to Public Health
RECL 090 Foundations of Recreation Parks & TourismNo Current Equivalent
RECL 097 Event PlanningNo Current Equivalent

Social Work

SCWK 010 Introduction to Social Welfare and Social WorkNo Current Equivalent


SOCI 001 Introduction to SociologySOCI 1 Principles of Sociology
SOCI 015 Statistical Applications in the Social SciencesBUS 19 Business Statistics
MTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH 43S Intro to Probability and Statistics with Support
PSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
SOCI 080 Social ProblemsSOCI 2 Social Problems


TECH 020A Computer-Aided-GraphicsENGR 22 Engineering Design Graphics
MTT 81A Solid Works for Machine Shops
APPM 9781A SolidWorks for Machine Shops
TECH 025 Introduction to Materials TechnologyENGR 45 Materials of Engineering
TECH 030 Introduction to Python ProgrammingNo Current Equivalent
TECH 031 Quality Assurance and ControlNo Current Equivalent
TECH 041 Machine Shop SafetyMTT 70 Exploration of Precision Manufacturing
TECH 045 Sustainable Facilities Design & PlanningNo Current Equivalent
TECH 046 Machine Operation and ManagementMTT 65 Basic Toolmaking
MTT 70 Exploration of Precision Manufacturing
APPM 9765 Basic Toolmaking
MTT 70 Exploration of Precision Manufacturing
([MTT 65 & MTT 70] or [APPM 9765 & MTT 70] must be completed at same school)
TECH 060 Introduction to ElectronicsNo Current Equivalent
TECH 062 Analog CircuitsNo Current Equivalent
TECH 063 Analog and Digital CircuitsNo Current Equivalent
TECH 065 Introduction to NetworksNo Current Equivalent
TECH 066 Network AdministrationNo Current Equivalent
TECH 067 Introduction to Internet of ThingsESYS 55 IoT & Microcontroller Systems
TECH 068 Internet of Things SystemsNo Current Equivalent

University Studies

UNVS 015 Statway: Statistics-Concepts & MethodsNo Current Equivalent

World Languages and Literatures

CHIN 001A Elementary ChineseNo Current Equivalent
CHIN 001B Elementary ChineseNo Current Equivalent
CHIN 025A Intermediate ChineseNo Current Equivalent
CHIN 025B Intermediate ChineseNo Current Equivalent
FREN 001A Elementary FrenchFRNC 1A Beginning French
FREN 001B Elementary FrenchFRNC 1B Elementary French
FREN 025A, 025B, and 025C Intermediate FrenchFRNC 2A Intermediate French
FRNC 2B Advanced French
(FRNC 2A & FRNC 2B must be completed at same school)
GERM 001A Elementary GermanNo Current Equivalent
GERM 001B Elementary GermanNo Current Equivalent
GERM 025A Intermediate GermanNo Current Equivalent
GERM 025B Intermediate GermanNo Current Equivalent
HEBR 001A Elementary HebrewNo Current Equivalent
HEBR 001B Elementary HebrewNo Current Equivalent
HEBR 015A Intermediate HebrewNo Current Equivalent
HEBR 015B Intermediate HebrewNo Current Equivalent
ITAL 001A Elementary ItalianNo Current Equivalent
ITAL 001B Elementary ItalianNo Current Equivalent
JPN 001A Elementary JapaneseJAPN 1A Beginning Japanese
JPN 001B Elementary JapaneseJAPN 1B Elementary Japanese
JPN 025A Intermediate JapaneseNo Current Equivalent
JPN 025B Intermediate JapaneseNo Current Equivalent
PORT 001A Elementary Portuguese INo Current Equivalent
PORT 001B Elementary Portuguese IINo Current Equivalent
SPAN 001A Elementary SpanishSPA 1A Beginning Spanish
SPA 1A1 Beginning Spanish 1
SPA 1A2 Beginning Spanish 2
(SPA 1A1 & SPA 1A2 must be completed at same school)
SPAN 001B Elementary SpanishSPA 1B Elementary Spanish
SPA 1B1 Elementary Spanish 1
SPA 1B2 Elementary Spanish 2
(SPA 1B1 & SPA 1B2 must be completed at same school)
SPAN 003 Special Topics in Practical SpanishNo Current Equivalent
SPAN 004A Basic Spanish INo Current Equivalent
SPAN 004B Basic Spanish IINo Current Equivalent
SPAN 020A Spanish for Heritage Speakers INo Current Equivalent
SPAN 020B Spanish for Heritage Speakers IINo Current Equivalent
SPAN 025A Intermediate SpanishSPA 2A Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 025B Intermediate SpanishSPA 2B Advanced Spanish
VIET 001A Elementary VietnameseNo Current Equivalent
VIET 001B Elementary VietnameseNo Current Equivalent

(page last modified: 03/26/2025)